About Me

So, who are you?

Good question! My name is Kathryne, I'm 23 and I spend more money on books than makeup. And, for me, that is saying something!

Why do you live in the UK?

I ask myself this question just about everyday. I moved from California to England in 2010 to get my masters degree. Then, like a fairy tale, I met the man of my dreams! It's true. I feel like every American girl dreams of finding someone handsome, tall, and who has a fancy accent. So, I couldn't just give that up, right? After quite a bit of stress and money, I finally obtained permission to stay after my degree and we both currently live in the Highlands of Scotland (of all places).

What kind of books do you enjoy reading?

From my blog, I think it's fairly obvious that I really love young adult, fantasy, and sci fi. I think I've been enjoying (certainly not suffering) this condition since I was really young. I read a Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle when I was about 8 or so and received the first Harry Potter book for my 10th birthday. I've been hooked ever since!

Thanks so much for stopping by!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kathryne,

    I have awarded you the Liebster Blog Award, check out my post - http://roxykade.blogspot.com/2012/06/liebster-blog-award.html

    I apologise if you are an award free blog!

    Roxy K


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